Elementary Program
The elementary program is a natural continuation of the philosophy, materials, and methods found in the Primary room. Like classrooms for younger children, Elementary classrooms are multi-aged; they include children aged 6 to 9 years old in Lower Elementary and 9 to 12 years old in Upper Elementary. Montessori Elementary is a program that grows out of respect for the mind of a rapidly developing child. The child now strives for intellectual independence. This is a time of insatiable curiosity and excitement for learning.
Children in an elementary classroom begin to keep a record of their work. This takes the form of a journal, and a workplan. Keeping track of their work helps them make good work choices, learn time management skills, and build on their intrinsic motivation to learn.
Our Elementary program creates a space where children can fuel their natural desire to learn. The curriculum continues to be individualized for each student, giving them the time and space to thrive at a pace that is right for them. In their classroom, not only will elementary students’ academics have the opportunity to flourish, but their desire to make a difference and leave their mark on their community will be embraced and encouraged. Our elementary students are the leaders on campus, and they learn to become confident, accountable, and empathetic citizens of the world.
“The secret of success is found to lie in the right use of imagination in awakening interest, and the stimulation of seeds of interest already sown by attractive literary and pictorial material, but all correlated to a centra idea, of greatly ennobling inspiration - the Cosmic Plan in which all, consciously or unconsciously, serve the Great Purpose of Life.”
-Dr. Maria Montessori
“Knowledge can be best given where there is eagerness to learn, so this is the period when the seed of everything can be sown, the child’s mind being like a fertile field, ready to receive what will germinate into culture.”
-Dr. Maria Montessori